Japanese to English translations

Policy change and future of our group

From chapter 5 onward, we decided to change our translating process. From this point we won’t translate into our mother language and then into English, but instead directly into English.

Update 1: Sorry about the dot in e-mail, it’s correct now.

At first we thought this site will be in two languages, but we came to a conclusion that it’s not necessary, hence our work should progress a bit faster now. Because we’re lazy the next chapters will also come out slowly, but steadily and that is the most important part. (Note from Youshi: Since the novel will be translated directly into English now, I am now demoted from translator to an editor, that also means there might be slight changes to the style of the whole text, but then again it’s still up to me, so will try to keep it consistent.) Marginal Operation was found by us accidentally, we didn’t expect that it will be good and didn’t know what are we going to translate in the first place. We’re looking now for one more thing to add into our projects, but we struggle to find something good and not translated by other groups. That’s where you come with your voice. You can suggest us another light novel/web novel or manga, which doesn’t have a translation project and looks promising. You can write your propositions at the comment section under this post or to our contact mail: neettranslations@gmail.com. Please note that this second project won’t slow down the first one. Note: Our translations are MTL free, so please understand that it takes time. Few notes about submissions:

  • We will check every submission
  • Submitted work should be available in digital form for free (not really in text format or anything, we translate Marginal from scans anyway), unless you are able to procure a copy for us (as in: buy us the thing we should translate)
  • Remember to put a source in your submission, after all if there will be a lot of submissions i doubt we will have time to search for sources (putting in a short summary in your submission or telling us what you like about it will help too!)
  • If you want us to take over a project that was abandoned by another group, be aware that we will always translate from the beginning, so if it was already quite far ahead it might be better to ask other groups.
  • Depending on the number of submissions and our personal preferences we might choose a project directly or open a poll to help in making a decision
  • Submission deadline is at the end of June (30.06.2015 23:59 UTC), so you have about 39 days for that
  • We reserve ourselves a right to extend/shorten submission time at any time we deem necessary

Youshi: For now just let me tell you that I will oppose any kind of BL (implied or direct) with all my might, since it hurts my mind to read that, and I sure as hell don’t want to edit that. On a side note our translator prefers more serious stories – try to keep that in mind. Well nothing is set in stone though, so if you found something interesting and promising that you like be sure to share! Later we will open a separate page to mark what has already been suggested (so people won’t spam the same thing over and over). Please DO TRY to read the list first before suggesting anything when it’s up, even if only to save ours and yours time. You are free to contact us with any questions you might have and we will answer, as long as the questions are reasonable (Youshi: I’m itching to make a faq page but can’t really do it if no one asks anything now, can I? Making things up and putting it in faq is as fake as it gets – and it’s probably how many people do their faqs or its parts, since some questions there are mighty stupid and I don’t want to believe that enough people can ask it for it to become a “frequently” asked question). As for Marginal Operation it’s 100% (unless the person who knows Japanese dies in the next few months) that first volume will be completed. At the beginning we wanted to ask you if we should continue with other volumes, but your feedback is better than we thought and apparently you want next volumes too. Quality of translation or even correctness of it is another thing though. There will probably be mistakes at some places, but we hope it won’t distort integrity of the story. Only one person in our group knows Japanese and only Japanese chat rooms are serving for aid in helpless situations. Believe it or not, but there were parts which even random Japanese people didn’t know for sure. It’s not a hard novel, but once or twice a chapter there is an ambiguous part that’s difficult for us. Expect next chapter on 2nd week of June.


You have successfully cleared this wall of text and leveled up in your reading long and boring posts skill! See you later all and thanks for all your support! For lazy ones you can use the form below:

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